Thursday, July 15, 2010

birdwatching in UP

I started birdwatching when in 2003, Mr. Mike Lu (now President of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines) invited me to join one of their activities. I immediately got addicted to birdwatching and even got some of friends to get involved in the activity as well.

My favorite place is UP Diliman, where I took my BS and MS degrees and where I am now employed as a faculty. A lot of rare and unusual bird species have been photographed and sighted in this place, making the UP as an important birding sites in Metro Manila. This is something the UP community should be very proud of.

Lately, I've been birdwatching with a friend, trying to revisit areas around the Science Complex where we used to see a lot of birds. Sadly, because of the development in the area, many of the habitats have been disturbed. This is evidenced by the few sightings of birds that were present in the area many years ago.

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