Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sagada May 2010

I went to Sagada with my brother Mark college friends Monina, Hillel, Xsa, Luz and Edward. I've been looking forward to go to Sagada ever since I've read about the caves and waterfalls in the area. It was a long trip, with the bus leaving the station around 830 in the evening and arriving in Bontoc, Mountain Province after 13 hours. Along the way to Bontoc, we passed by the Banaue Rice Terraces, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Unfortunately, I was seated far from the window where I could have taken pictures of the terraces.

Before going to Sagada, we visited the Bontoc Museum and bought some souvenirs. The trip from Bontoc to Sagada took at least 1.5 hours and not long after, the limestones of Sagada came into view. I was in Sagada at last!!!

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